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VAS Video/Audio Automation System - 15-Day Trial Demo
Download the 15-Day Trial Demo of the VAS™ (Video/Audio Automation System)... (more)

VAS Video/Audio Automation System - User Manual (Acrobat)
Download the user manual for the VAS™ (Video/Audio Automation System)... (more)

K-Lite Codec Package for VAS software
Download the K-Lite Codec Package for the VAS™ (Video/Audio Automation System)... (more)

AVC-1 Automatic Volume Control - User Manual (Acrobat)
Download the user manual for the AVC-1™ (Automatic Volume Control Unit)... (more)

Virtual Cart Machine™ Demo Version
Download the full-featured trial demo version of Virtual Cart Machine™... (more)

EZDJPro™ Demo Version
Download the full-featured trial demo version of EZDJPro Machine™... (more)

EZDJPro™ and VCM™ Weather Program Update
This program changes the weather from The Weather Channel to National Weather Service. (more)

Wintrax® XP/7 Registered Version
Registered users can download the full version of Wintrax® XP/7. You must have access to this private area... (more)

Wintrax® XP Upgrade Registered Version
Registered Wintrax® XP users can download the latest Wintrax® XP/7 upgrade. You must have access to this private area... (more)

Wintrax® 98 Registered Version
Registered users can download the full version of Wintrax® 98. You must have access to this private area... (more)

Wintrax® User Manual (Acrobat)
Download the Adobe Acrobat version of the User manual for Wintrax®... (more)

Wintrax® User Manual (Word)
Download the Microsoft Word version of the user manual for Wintrax®... (more)

PSR® Controller Source
Free downloadable source code for the PSR Controller...(more)

Wintrax - Software Demo | XP Registered Version | XP Upgrade Registered Version | 98 Registered Version | User Manual (Word) | User Manual (Acrobat)
PSR Controller Source


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