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WINTRAX® 98 JukeBox Software Registered Version 1.49
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Publisher: Wintek Software Company
Date last updated: October 2001
File size: 3.4MB
License: V1.4.9 - Requires Purchased Registration
Minimum requirements: Windows 3.x/3.11/95/98/98SE/ME only
Uninstaller included?: Yes
Limitations: Does not work with Windows XP/NT/2000

From the author: This is the Registered Version of the Wintrax JukeBox software that provides complete PC control of your music library. Collect the song data from the Internet's 550,000+ song database automatically, then load all your CD's into your Pioneer® and/or Sony® Mega/Giga CD changers. Select songs from the Wintrax® screens, using a mouse, touch- screen, keyboard, or X-10® remote and play songs just like on a jukebox! You can even save an unlimited number of your own custom play lists. PLEASE be sure to download the user manual separately.
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